Terrapin Beer Company in Athens, GA has always strived to be Bigger Than Beer. In a collaborative effort with CIRT and Deeds Creative, Terrapin developed TERRAPRINT, a system for quantifying and tracking their impact and communicating their ESG goals and initiatives both publicly and privately.
Through this collaboration, our team has provided expertise and consultation regarding best practices in waste management and material selection. Deeds Creative has worked in tandem with us to tell that story through advertising, content creation, and design of the TERRAPRINT logo and associated branding.
We are excited to further Terrapin's ESG goals through the You Sure Can campaign, designed to help Terrapin customers remember to rinse and recycle their cans. This campaign will reach customers at point of sale.
From pre-treating their waste water to minimize their impact on the local watershed to installing solar panels on their roof to choosing infinitely recyclable aluminum cans over glass bottles, Terrapin has become a sustainability leaded in the beer industry. Learn more about their initiatives at Terrapinbeer.com.